
Revamp Your Architecture Website: 6 Engaging CTAs Beyond 'Contact Us'

Transforming Client Interactions.

Innovative Call to Action Strategies for Architects.

Explore how to transform your architecture website into a client opportunity generator with six powerful Call to Action (CTA) alternatives to the traditional 'Contact Us.' This article delves into the importance of a website as more than just a portfolio or legitimacy tool.

Your architecture website is more than a digital portfolio; it's a crucial platform for generating client opportunities. If it's not actively creating these opportunities, it's merely a static display of your work.

Rethinking the Call To Action (CTA)

The CTA is the linchpin of opportunity on your website. It's an invitation for visitors to engage in a specific, desirable action. A compelling CTA is clear, visually striking, and leads the visitor to a clear next step, ideally to book a meeting or a call.

Here are four key components for crafting a powerful CTA:

  1. Design/Aesthetic: Make your CTA visually appealing with an eye-catching design.
  2. Messaging: Clearly articulate what action you want visitors to take.
  3. Destination: Guide visitors to the next step, like scheduling a meeting.
  4. Context: Ensure your website's overall design and content support the CTA.

Moving Beyond 'Contact Us'

The traditional 'Contact Us' CTA is often too vague and passive, potentially prolonging the opportunity creation process and attracting lower-quality leads. Many renowned firms still rely on this approach, but there's a better way.

Alternative CTA Options

  1. BOOK A CALL / MEET WITH US: Set clear expectations for a direct conversation, filtering out low-quality leads.
  2. START YOUR PROJECT / GET STARTED: Target leads ready to begin immediately, leveraging their eagerness to engage.
  3. JOIN OUR WAITLIST / JOIN 100+ HAPPY CLIENTS: Create a sense of exclusivity and community, appealing to clients looking for esteemed and sought-after services.


The ultimate goal of your architecture website should be to foster connections with ideal clients. By replacing the 'Contact Us' CTA with more dynamic and specific alternatives, you can attract higher-quality prospects and streamline your path to project initiation. Adopt these engaging CTA options to elevate your website's client engagement and conversion potential.